Shymo, my little sister, my friend. We would have thought that you of all people would become sick? And why you? This disease only happens to people that had a long life already, right? And how will this continue? Will my little sister always remain in a wheelchair or will you be able to walk again? These questions often go through my mind.
Mo, two and a half years ago we discovered that you are sick. It seemed so innocent but look where we are now. This is so mean and it sucks. The bond that you and I have is what all sisters should have with each other. We could do almost anything together: shopping, go out for a coffee, to the beach, festivals and parties, or sell our clothes at the vintage market; I can keep going like this for a while. I am so happy to have you as my sister. Yes, I dare to say that I cannot wish for a better sister than you!
The day that I heard you have tumor, I was in Malta. My first week out of the ten that I had to be there. My world collapsed; I wanted to go home, be there for you, join you to the hospital, watch movies together… But you told me to stay in Malta and have fun. “You went there for a reason and we can facetime every day” you said. So I stayed. You were right, but it felt weird.
I don’t say it out loud normally, but I am having a very hard time with this situation. All those setbacks every time are like being hit against the head with a frying pan. But then you, the strongest person I know, say “screw them, I am not giving up!”. And then I think “Yes, Mo does not give up! We go for it”. And that is how you drag me through all this drama.
Mo, you are the strongest person that I know. So down to earth but at the same time fully aware of what is happening and the risks that are involved. You always want to make the best out of a situation, have fun and stay positive. Because what is the added value of being sad? It won’t make you feel better. Your mindset is something that a lot of people can learn from.
Sometimes it is tough. Because I want to do stuff with and for you. But lately you are very tired and not feeling that well, which is because of the medication and treatment that you currently get. That is when I often realize that you are sicker than you actually look like. That is a compliment Mo, because even with all of this going on, you still look really good. And look at everything that you are still getting done even while you are feeling so bad. That is amazing, it really is.
The only thing that I still want to tell is that I am very proud of you, of everything that you do and how you are doing it. You are an amazing person.
I love you.
Lots of love,