Shymo’s blog: what’s next

Hoe nu verder post

10-10-19 Tomorrow i’m going to the hospital. would finally get my new medicines, but I think I’ll have to wait for another week as my doctor did not receive all the required permissions just yet. I don’t mind, what does a week extra matter on top of all the months that I’ve been waiting. That […]

Bootcamp for Mo

Bootcamp voor Mo

Bootcamp for Shymo: she can’t do the sports herself, but she is definitely stronger than all the participants combined It is safe to say that Shymo has become an understanding by now in between the boundaries of the Zaanstreek (the area Shymo lives at, bordering Amsterdam). Even though the foundation Help Mo Nu! Is just […]

Emma’s explanation

Emma's Uitleg

Hi, My name is Emma and I was the biology teacher of Shymo when she was a student at ‘het Zaanlands Lyceum’. In Shymo’s story you can read that the cells of Shymo’s tumor have a mutation called H3K27M. In this blog post I will explain what this means and how this mutation probably caused […]

Shymo’s Blog: exhausted

Shymo sporten bij fysio

01-09-19 You won’t believe how hectic this week was!On Monday I went to physiotherapy and after that straight onwards to the rehabilitation center for my bedsores. Tuesday I had to go yet again to the rehabilitation center and after that I went to Gyl (my brother) and Charlotte (my sister in law) for dinner; Siem […]

Shymo’s blog: hair loss

Laatste bestraling

03-08-19 I started losing my hair already; we did not see this coming. Totally unexpected and quite early. My mother and I thought it would be nice to have a hair-wash-day, but that turned out into something else. Hair kept falling from my head up to a point that it became so much that we […]

Through the eyes of a sister

Blogpost Zyara

Shymo, my little sister, my friend. We would have thought that you of all people would become sick? And why you? This disease only happens to people that had a long life already, right? And how will this continue? Will my little sister always remain in a wheelchair or will you be able to walk […]

Shymo’s blog: fears

Shymo en Oties

30-07-19 Did you know that I can smell it when they give me the radiation treatment? And I mean at the exact moment when it happens. Then they take a short break but after that I can smell it again. It is a very distinct smell, a bit magnetic maybe? I still don’t know what […]

Shymo’s blog: radiation therapy

Shymo Bestraling

24-07-19 I had radiation therapy for the fourth time today. It was a long day but it went by just fine, without any problems. As of today, I’m allowed to reduce my medication dose (we’re talking about forty pills) and I expect to feel a lot better then, mentally. Physically, I’m moving forward rapidly; I […]

Shymo’s first blogpost

Hi everyone, From now on I will make use of the opportunity to start blogging on the website. The last period was not easy, you could say that I have been through a lot, more negative than positive. I recorded these moments. I will try to write as many blogs as possible about the things […]

Our target amount and goals

Dear all, Thanks to your help we have already been able to collect € 25.000,-! That is great news, but we are far from done. In this blogpost we want to explain to you about how we got to the total amount and what it is meant for. As you know, Shymo’s lifesaving medication is […]